Database Project Proposal: USC Housing Options


There are many housing options available to USC students, and choosing where you want to live can be very overwhelming. Many students rely on input from upperclassmen or those who have previously lived in the places they are considering, however there is no central place for them to look at this information. I think it would be very beneficial to put everything students need to know about possible housing options in one database/website. As shown in my schema, this database would include data like whether the housing option is on or off campus, if it is a house, apartment, or dorm, what the rent is, and how many people it houses. Additionally, it would feature lists of the residents who have previously lived there and their email addresses so those who are interested can contact them to hear about their experience. Previous residents are also able to leave written reviews of the different housing options, include pictures of them, and rate them on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. With this database, students would be able to search through housing options that fit both their budgets and needs while taking into consideration input about the pros and cons of living there from previous tenants.


USC students looking for housing

Types of Data:

Address, on campus or off campus, type of housing, rent cost, number of bedrooms/occupants, reviews, ratings, pictures, lists of previous residents and their contact information

Data will be both researched and crowd sourced


Database Schema

Pitch Video: